Get down, Get Down....
Lover of fashion, beauty, un-chipped nails, home decor, thank you notes, Paris, London, New York, Japan, my amazing friends and my family.
Well its official....I am 29!!! Wow!!! Even though they were far away in London Mum and Josh sent the most amazing flowers!! One massive pot each!! When reception called I just picked up one and they promptly told me they were both mine!!! Felt very spoilt!! Thanks Mama and Joshy!!!
Brooke, Jono, Karina and I headed to Boondall to see INXS. The supporting bands were polar opposites to say the least. First up we had Arrested Development!! Yes, that Arrested Development, the 90s hip hop group!! They were followed by Simple Minds whose lead singer danced in a very odd and distracting manner....we thought they were never going to end!! And finally came INXS. Now I will admit I was sceptical of JD and wondered how they would replace Michael but I have to say JD was fabulous. A real performer and worked the crowd really well - including bumming cigarettes off the people in the front row!!! It was a fabulous concert and I would definitely see them again!!
The following were results for an Ozwords Competition where entrants were asked to take an Australian word, alter it by only one letter, and supply a new & witty definition. You clearly need to be an Aussie to understand.
I headed up to Cooroy on Christmas Eve looking forward to another fun Christmas at storm battered Booraloola - soaking up the sun, enjoying good food and spending time with family. Even though the storm had hit only a week before Des has done an amazing job with the clearing. You can actually drive up the driveway for a start!!! The pool is back to a normal colour and the piles of debris in the pool area has been cleared. What more do you need!!
Lou and Ash with the tree
Shaun, Toni and Des
Toni, Des, Deb and Ray
Des with rubbber banded ears!
A massive storm hit Corooy on Saturday night. The security company rang to tell me the alarm had been set off so I drove up with Ash to check it out early Sunday morning as Mum and Des were still on the island. Driving through town it was like a mini torneado had struck. Trees down everywhere, roofs off, horses dead and so much more. Booraloola faired quite well compared to other houses but there will be a massive clean up for weeks to come. Thankfully none of the bedrooms were damaged so Christmas will go ahead as planned!! Whilst they do not fully convey the damage here are some photos.
The view out the front door